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Full Livery Agreement
Indicates required field
Name (hereafter referred to as HORSE OWNER)
Horse Details (to include Name and Passport Number)
Date of Agreement
Livery start date
The HORSE is to be on a FULL livery package at the yard as detailed above for the agreed sum of £210 per week. Invoices for livery charges are payable in advance. The fees for any services or extras undertaken within the preceding month will be invoiced in arrears. This is payable by the HORSE OWNER to the PROPRIETOR within 7 days.
All fees are subject to VAT.
The inclusions of this livery care package are as follows:
Provision of stable and grazing
All day to day feed, watering, mucking out and handling / care of the horse to be undertaken by the yard and its staff
Inclusive of bedding (2 bales shavings per week), hay or haylage and hard feed from the selection we stock any additional feed must be provided by the HORSE OWNER or supplied by PROPRIETOR and added to monthly invoice
Use of all facilities - indoor arena, outdoor dressage arena, outdoor jumping arena, gallops, cross country training area (weather dependent) and horsewalker.
Storage of horsebox / trailer at additional cost
Any farriery, physio or veterinary fees will be billed direct to horse owner
Discounted lesson price £40.
Any services, training fees, forage, feed or bedding over and above those included in this livery package shall be carried out and charged as per the current price list and is subject to VAT. The PROPRIETOR will itemise any additional charges on the monthly invoice.
If the HORSE OWNER wishes to terminate the livery agreement they shall inform the PROPRIETOR in writing, no less than one full calendar months’ notice before they wish to terminate the contract. The HORSE may be moved from the yard during this time but a full period of notice must be paid in full as per the agreed livery fees and the HORSE OWNER forfeits all rights and privileges associated with their livery agreement upon departure of the HORSE from the yard unless agreed otherwise.
he PROPRIETOR reserves the right to increase fees for livery packages or services within reason, and as deemed appropriate, by giving a minimum of 30-days’ notice to the HORSE OWNER in writing.
In standard conditions, the PROPRIETOR reserves the right, at any time, to give the HORSE OWNER no less than one full calendar months written notice to terminate the livery contract. However, in the event that the PROPRIETOR feels the HORSE OWNER is in breach of terms of the contract herewith, or behaves in a way deemed as grossly inappropriate, dangerous or breaking rules of the yard with severity the PROPRIETOR reserve the right to give a 24 hour notice of termination of this agreement and for the HORSE to be removed from the premises.
In the event that livery fees go unpaid for more than three months after monies are first due the PROPRIETOR reserves the right to serve notice to the HORSE OWNER and begin legal proceedings to recoup costs.
The PROPRIETOR agrees that they shall at all times during the period of livery provide a safe and suitable environment for the horse to be kept, as conditions and facilities permit, and any agreed services shall be carried out in an efficient and professional manner which meets the welfare needs of the HORSE and in so doing will exercise all the skill, care and diligence that might be expected. The HORSE OWNER understands that in some cases routines, services or access to facilities may be altered at short notice due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances.
As per the legislation introduced in The Equine Identification Regulations (2018), for any livery packages above basic DIY, the yard owner is deemed the keeper of the animal and therefore the passport of the aforementioned HORSE must remain on the premises detailed above at all times. The PROPRIETOR shall ensure during this time that any passports are retained securely, meeting GDPR regulations, and are accessible to the horse owner upon request. This is a legal requirement on the part of both the PRORIETOR and the HORSE OWNER.
Throughout the contract period, the HORSE OWNER shall observe and adhere to the following rules of the yard with regards to services and facility use:
The HORSE OWNER shall adhere to health recommendations as required by the yard such as worming and vaccination requirements, and following any other disease prevention guidance issued by the yard
The HORSE OWNER shall observe any rules or requirements relating to those premises as notified to the Owner by the Yard
All droppings shall be removed from all riding areas and yard areas by the HORSE OWNER
The HORSE OWNER shall wear suitable clothing and footwear at all times whilst riding and on the yard
The HORSE OWNER agrees to advise the PROPRIETOR is the horse is to be absent from the yard for any period of time and to advise them of when the horse will return to the premises
No children under the age of 16 shall be allowed onto the yard unless fully supervised by the HORSE OWNER.
Visitors shall be restricted to the yard for biosecurity and security reasons. Any visitors shall accompany the HORSE OWNER and the PROPRIETOR shall be advised in advance
It is the responsibility of the PROPRIETOR to ensure that all horses and persons on the yard are suitably insured through their own third party insurance. However, the HORSE OWNER must ensure that the HORSE is suitably insured for third party liability and any activities they wish to partake in. The PROPRIETOR reserves the right to request a copy of the HORSE insurance certificate at any time.
In the event that the HORSE or HORSE OWNER causes any damage to premises, fixtures or items owned by the PROPRIETOR without any reasonable cause, the PROPRIETOR reserves the right to pass any reparation, maintenance or associated costs to the HORSE OWNER.
Veterinary and Other Services:
It is responsibility of the HORSE OWNER to ensure that the HORSE is fully vaccinated- as required for Equine Influenza and Tetanus. The PROPRIETOR reserves the right to request a copy of the HORSE vaccination certificates at any time.
The cost for all veterinary, farriery and alternative treatments lie solely with the HORSE OWNER.
The HORSE OWNER agrees to abide by the worming programme as laid out by the PROPRIETOR. The responsibility of the worming costs lies solely with the HORSE OWNER.
In the event that the PROPRIETOR believes the HORSE is in need of emergency farrier or veterinary treatment they reserve the right to contact their own veterinary surgeon or farrier to undertake treatment provided that the PROPRIETOR has made all reasonable attempt to contact the HORSE OWNER and their preferred farrier or veterinary surgeon before this decision is made. The responsibility of any arising costs lies solely with the HORSE OWNER.
The HORSE OWNER agrees that if a VETERINARY SURGEON advises IMMEDIATE euthanasia of the HORSE to prevent further suffering in the case of severe injury or illness and the OWNER cannot quickly be contacted the PROPRIETOR may follow professional advice and give permission to the veterinary surgeon on the OWNER'S behalf.
Telephone Number
Date of agreement
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